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Secret 3: Lead by Serving

Updated: Sep 26, 2022


Lasting relationships don’t just happen overnight. This is true in your personal life, but especially in business. It takes time to develop trust, rapport, and that goes hand in hand with consistent work. We’ve picked up a few tips along the journey and are always happy to share our success and even some of our failures.

Have you heard of the Navy SEALs? Chances are you have. When someone mentions a Navy SEAL, the first thought that comes to mind is unity. The Navy SEALs are strong, but it is because of selfless leadership where the team is always put first. They don’t ask what will be done for them, but are ready to jump in and help. Even President John F. Kennedy understood serving others when he stated in his inaugural address “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

You might not be a Navy SEAL or a former U.S. President, but you can get in on the secret to their success and ours. Servant Leadership is not just a trendy catchphrase but something that we try to be intentional about in our day to day operation. What does it mean to serve? It’s simple, just putting someone else’s needs before your own. We live in a self centered society. What will benefit me? What can I get out of this? Hello selfies!

How can we serve? Great question! You can serve in many different ways! You could help in your local church, participate in a community event like a 5K, or even sign up to deliver meals to the elderly!

Another way you can serve is by sharing your story! We inspire others with our own story! When we share our experiences or expertise in an area, we begin to build trust which is the foundation of every relationship! Whether you blog, participate in a workshop, speak at a conference, attend a webinar, or just go to an event, you are serving and helping!

When we get more serious and engaged on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media where community gathers and exchanges ideas, we are serving and helping . Serving and helping builds trust like nothing else.

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