Extra Convenience!
When you combine mobile credentials with your key card system you no longer have to keep track of a key card or fob attached to a ring of keys. Every one of us carries our smartphones throughout the day wherever we go. It’s easy to tap a button as you approach a door or gate and have it open for you!
Increased Security!
No matter how secure you make your doors, gates, or building, key cards and fobs can be lost, stolen and possibly used by people that aren’t authorized. Using a Mobile credential gives you additional layers of security from the smartphone itself. Most everyone has a pincode, fingerprint, or face ID set up to open their phone and reduces borrowing a key card.
Cost Savings!
With a mobile credential, the pass is digital! This means no more ordering plastic key cards or key fobs! We’re definitely saving the turtles with this plastic reduction! With a constant turnover rate and new additions each year, these cards can add up to be a huge cost! Mobile credentials have no cost associated with distributing them. Just select the right platform to install and watch your savings add up!