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Door Closer Slamming? Tips for Adjustment

If you have ever experienced issues with a door closer, you know that it can create a myriad of problems with your commercial or residential home. If your door is slamming too hard, it can cause excessive wear and tear on your door and can lead to injuries as people are getting hit by the door. If your door is not closing hard enough, it can create security issues, as your door is not fully latching when it closes.

However, not every door closer issue requires a professional visit. Most door closers have adjustments that can be made with a few basic tools, that can quickly and easily fix the problem you are having before having to pay for a technician to service the door. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind as you make adjustments to your door closer.

There are 4 areas that you can adjust on a closer, depending on your model:

1. Back Check (last 5-15 degrees of the door opening) 2. Swing Speed (from an open position to the last 5-15 degrees during closing) 3. Latching Speed (last 5-15 degrees of the door closing) 4. Spring Strength (how much power or resistance the door closer has)

Tools Needed:

1. Allen Wrench 2. Screw Driver

Before making any adjustments, ensure that the door is closed and the closer is in a “non-operable” function. Once you’ve removed the cover from your closet, locate the adjustment screws you need. You can generally find indicators on the closer that will tell you which adjustment is related to each screw; sometimes there is a diagram on the closer itself to help you identify them. If all else fails, you can consult the manual on the closer for assistance with this.

Once you have determined which screws need to be turned for adjustments, turn your allen wrench inside the screw to the right or left as needed. Keep in mind, a little goes a long way; use 1/8th turns to adjust and periodically test the door to check if the adjustment is satisfactory.

If you have any other questions, or if your door closer is still giving you problems after adjustments, contact us and we can help provide you with a solution for your problem.

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